Counsels on Sabbath School Work   (4)
Persevering Fidelity Needed VC
Such patient, prayerful, and persevering fidelity as was possessed by these saints of God [Caleb, Hannah, and Dorcas] is rare; yet the church cannot prosper without it. It is needed in the church, in the Sabbath school, and in society.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 109. (CSW 159.1) MC VC
Successful Cooperation VC
Our Sabbath school workers need to be especially imbued with the Spirit of Christ. They cannot be coworkers with Christ unless they have Him abiding in their hearts by faith.... The children need a more decided effort in regard to religious culture. The leading workers and the teachers should labor for perfect harmony. There should be cooperation on the part of parents, children, and teachers. Let every worker labor for wisdom and tact, that he may put forth that well-directed effort which God requires. We are to cultivate tact and sharp discernment, to be quick to see opportunities to do good, and to seize these opportunities and make the most of them.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 20. (CSW 159.2) MC VC